Wednesday, December 27, 2006

عادت حليمة الى عادتها القديمة

عادت حليمة لعادتها القديمة

تناقلت الانباء اليوم خبر توجه محمود عباس الى حسني مبارك بإقتراح اللجوء الى المفاوضات السرية مع إسرائيل. وكان قد اقترح ذلك على أولمرت عندما التقاه مؤخرا. وتفيد الانباء أن اولمرت لم يرفض ذلك وانه سيفكر في الموضوع. وسوف يقدم عباس هذا الاقتراح الى كوندليسا رايس عندما يجتمع بها الشهر القادم.
هذه التحركات المشبوهة تعيدنا الى مفاوضات أوسلوا السرية التي كان محمود عباس أحد نجومها، او على حد قول المعلقين الصحفيين أحد مهندسيها. بالرغم من تقديم التنازلات الجسيمة لصالح اسرائيل والتخلي عن العديد من الثوابت الوطنية الفلسطينية، الا أن مفاوضات أوسلو والاتفاقيات التي تمخضت عنها لم تجلب للشعب الفلسطيني غير الدما والمىسي التي لا تحصى ولا تتوقف. هل ندع محمود عباس يعود الى عادته القديمة؟ وعما سيتنازل هذه المرة؟ المكتوب يقرأ من عنوانه: فقد صرح محمود عباس تارة مباشرة وتارة عن طريق أحد كبار حاشيته بإنه على استعداد أن يتخلى عن حق العودة وقد بدأ بنفسه عندما قال، انا اتخلى عن صفد. كذلك يبدي عباس مرونة بالمواضيع الاخرى العالقة وهي القدس والمستوطنات والحدود. ويؤكد محمود عباس المثل الذي يقول: انه يحب السلطة ولو على خازوق. سوف يمنحونه بعض الكنتونات المنعزلة ويقولوا له سمها دولة فلسطين المستقلة وكن أنت رئيسها.
على جميع القوى الوطنية بما فيها فتح ان تقف لمثل هذه المفاوضات بالمرصاد وتفشلها بكل ثمن، هذا اذا اردنا أن نوفر عقدا آخرا من المصائب.
أن شعبنا لمناضل والذي قدم آلاف الشهداء ليستحق قيادة أفضل من هذه القيادة المخزية.
Red eye on the news

There will be no civil war in Palestine.

A friend of mine from Holland asked me after the clashes in Gaza and in some cities in the West bank: did the civil war in Palestine begin? And what is my opinion about this situation?
First of all I want to assure my friend and all those who read what I write that no civil war will erupt in Palestine. What happened recently is not more than isolated events; the Palestinian people know who did it and know who stand behind it. It won’t develop to the full scale of civil war. The Palestinian people went through more difficult circumstances and many powers, local and non-local, tried all the time to push the Palestinians for civil war, but they failed.
I want to explain why this attempt will fail too and who stands behind it.
Since the elections to the Palestinian legislative council in the beginning of this year which resulted by big fall of Fatah ruling organization and the victory of Hammas, at least five involved powers began their campaign to bring the end of Hammas government even before it began working. In spite that the elections where according to all of the principles of democracy call by the so called democratic world.
These five powers are:
1) The Fatah ruling party. Since the Oslo agreements in 1993, the leaders of this organization gave Israel a lot of consessions promising the Palestinians in the end to have an independent state. As everybody knows now, there’s not any independence. The occupation not only continues, but became more and more savage and cruel. Land confiscations, building new settlements, the apartheid wall from one side and the deterioration of the economical situation of the Palestinians from the other side, exposed the Oslo agreements as a big lie: there’s no peace and no independence. The only thing which this period created was a corrupted ruling party mainly formed by the leaders of Fatah. About the corruption of Mahmoud Abbas and the gang around him, especially Dahlan, Rajoub, Qrei’, Erikat, are many stories in Palestine. So they try to restore their post even by price of beginning a civil war, but because they are bankrupt even in the eyes of the Fatah masses, they won’t succeed alone.
2) The Israeli government: Israel considers every resistance to the occupation as terror. By itself this is not new, but since the victory of Hamas in the election it escalates it action. It exploits the fact that Americans and the Europeans agree with it that Hamas is a terrorist organization, now all its military actions was on the pretext of fighting world terrorism. Even when the victims are more than 200 children, and when the victims are a family spending its time on the beach or a family hideing inside their home. Sometimes Israel accused Hamas to have relations with Al-Qa’ida net, other times with Iran and Hezbollah. Now Israel is playing a very dirty role as civil warmongers by inciting Abbas to get rid of Hamas by force, promising him some money and renewal of negotiations.
3) The Arab regimes: most Arab governments, who shed crocodile tears about the bad situation of the Palestinians, cooperate to enforce a total blockade against the Palestinian people to push it to hunger and to revolt against Hamas government. Under the pressure of Israel, the Jordanian government accused Hamas with smuggling weapons and forbid premier Hanya to visit Amman. From the other side Egypt presses Hamas to accept the so called international demands (read Israeli-American demands) as a precondition to keep power. Meanwhile it strangles the Gaza stroke by controlling with Israeli and European observers with an iron hand the checkpoint of Rafah.
4) The American administration: the USA adopts all the Israeli actions and policies in the occupied Palestinian territories. And more, they finance these actions by weapons and money. And support Israel by its Vito in the UN Security Council. The USA, Europe and Israel give, now, a bear hug to Abbas and incite him to fight against Hamas.
5) The European Union: I exclude Blair, because he belongs to the American-Israeli side. I mean the other coward and hypocrite countries which are called the donators countries. From one side they talk about the human suffer of the Palestinian, from the other side they make their contribution to the total siege and practice pressure on Hamas to recognize Israel and renounce resistance.
Hamas itself as a government, political and military organizations also plays a role in this situation. That they play according the Israeli-American rules (democratic elections) didn’t help them. If they reject Oslo agreements and want to continue with resistance, they should reject elections under occupation. Because whether they win or lose the elections, it is the same thing.
In spite of all that, the Palestinian people will abort all attempts for civil war, because they know the cards of all partners. And every child knows that Bush, Olmert, Blair, Abbas and everyone who would like to join this camp, don’t want the Palestinian's well being.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

العمى الآني والمستقبلي للإسرائيليين من أصل عربي فلسطيني

العمى الآني والمستقبلي للإسرائيليين من أصل عربي فلسطيني

أتحفتنا مؤخرا اللجنة القطرية لرؤساء السلطات المحلية العربية في إسرائيل ممثلة برئيسها الذي هو في الوقت نفسه رئيس لجنة المتابعة معززا ب 40 من "المثقفين" و"الناشطين" بورقة هزيلة سموها وثيقة وإختاروا لها عنوانا براقا: "التصور المستقبلي للعرب الفلسطينيين في إسرائيل". نظرة سريعة على هذه الورقة لا تبقي مجالا للشك بأن هذا التصور إن دل على شي فأنه لا يدل إلا على عمى في البصر والبصيرة للذين كتبوه، وهو لا يمت بصلة لا من قريب ولا من بعيد الى جماهيرنا العربية الفلسطينية. بل يعبر عن أحلام وأوهام المتأسرلين (الذين يبذلون كل طاقاتهم لكي تحتضنهم إسرائيل وتمنحهم المواطنة) والذين هم في احسن الاحوال يعودون بأصولهم للشعب العربي الفلسطيني. هذا ما سأحاول إثباته في السطور التالية.
أنا أعرف، ويعرف الكثيرون غيري أن صدى وتأثير هذه الورقة (على الدولة وعلى الجماهير) لن يكون أكثر من زوبعة في فنجان بالرغم من تضخيمها من قبل المبادرين اليها وتوجههم للاعلام الاسرائيلي وإستجدائه كي يروج لهذه الورقة الصفراء.
لقد كان من الافضل تجاهل ما جاء في هذه الورقة حتى تموت موتا طبيعيا في لحظة ولادتها أو بعد عمر قصير. غير أن الوقاحة التي ظهر بها المبادرون فاقت كل حد حتى أصبح من العار والشنار على كل من قرأ هذه الورقة وشعر انها تطفح ليس فقط بتزيف الحقائق والتاريخ بل بتزييف الهوية أيضا أن يصمت. وأقصد بالوقاحة تلك الجملة التي إستهلوا بها منطلقهم: " نحن، العرب الفلسطينيين في إسرائيل، أهل الوطن الاصليون ومواطنون في الدولة وجزء من الشعب الفلسطيني والامة العربية والفضاء الثقافي العربي والاسلامي والانساني"

من الذي أعطاكم الحق بالكلام بإسم الجميع؟ وهل سألتم أحدا غير انفسكم قبلوا أن تنشروا هذه الورقة التافهة؟ لو تكلمتم بإسمكم فقط، وعرضتم بها وجهات نظركم، والله لما كانت هذه الورقة تستحق العناء ليس لكتابة سطر عنها فحسب، بل لا تستحق عناء قرائتها ايضا. ولكن لكي لا تقولوا مستقبلا أن السكوت هو علامة الرضى.
وبما أن المبادرين معروفون ولم يستحوا أن يذيلوا أسماءهم في نهاية الورقة فلن أستحي بدوري أنا أيضا من ذكرهم في ردي هذا.
أولا من هي اللجنة القطرية؟ ومن هم رؤساء السلطات المحلية؟ لا أظن اني اتجنى على أحد، والكل يعلم ذلك، إذا قلت أن نصف هؤلاء الرؤساء على الاقل ينتمون بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر للأحزاب الصهيونية وطول حياتهم وهم يعتاشون على الفتات الذي تقدمه المؤسسات العنصرية الاسرائيلية مقابل خدمات هم يعرفونها جيدا. اما النصف الاخر من الرؤساء المحسوبين على "الاحزاب العربية الاسرائيلية" فهم ليسوا بحالة أفضل من زملائهم السابقين حيث تم إنتخاب جميعهم على اساس عائلي أو طائفي وعن طريق الصفقات الرشوات.أعطوني رئيس سلطة محلية واحد انتخب على أساس برامج سياسية واجتماعية ,انا على استعداد لأقدم إعتذاري للجميع. كلنا نعرف بعضنا البعض جيدا.
وثانيا، من هم الباحثون الاكاديميون والناشطون الذين صاغوا هذه الورقة الهزيلة بعد أكثر من سنة من التداول والاجتماعات وألايام الدراسية في الفنادق والذين بلغ عددهم حوالي 40 باحث وناشط على حد قول إحدى المشاركات الاساسيات؟ هل تمخض الجبل فولد فأرا؟ أهذا كل ما تفتقت عنه عبقرية 40 باحث وناشط؟ ولماذا الرقم 40؟ هل له علاقة بقصة علي بابا والاربعين حرامي؟؟
نظرة سريعة على القائمة المذيلة ونستطيع أن نقرأ المكتوب من عنوانه. تفيد هذه القائمة بأن معظم الناشطين نموا وترعرعوا على أموال صناديق الدو كيوم (التعايش) مثل صندوق أبراهام، اسرائيل الجديدة، فورد، الاتحاد الاوروبي، كونراد ايدنهاور، هاينريخ بويل، فريدريخ نويمان، الخ. الخ. وجل نشاطهم يبذل في مكاتب جمعيات ومنظمات الدو كيوم المكيفة والدافئة مثل مساواة، سيكوي، فان لير، غيفعات حبيبة، ايبكري وغيرها. غني عن القول أن جميع هذه الجمعيات وهؤلاء الناشطين لم يتمرمغوا ابدا في غبار العمل الوطني وبين الجماهير.
أما "الباحثون" فهم من العاملين في الجامعات والمعاهد الاسرائيلية ولكي يحافظوا على وظائفهم وينالوا رضى رؤسائهم هناك، عليهم أن يتبنوا وينشروا ثقافة الدو كيوم وعند الضرورة أن يضفوا عليها صبغة وطنية.
أما القلائل من الاسماء المحسوبة على التيار الوطني الفلسطيني فلا أدري ماذا يفعلون هناك هل جروا ليكونوا شهداء زور أم ذهبوا بمحض إرادتهم وفي كلا الحالتين لا يشرفهم أن يكونوا هناك ويقوموا بهذه المهمة، وأخص بالذكر واكيم واكيم وراوية الشنطي المنتمين الى حركة أبناء البلد التي تعتبر نفسها حركة فلسطينية عربية وها انا أكتشف أنها إسرائيلية أيضا مثل غيرها.
هل يمكن أن تكون إسرائيل دولة للفلسطينيين؟
عندما وقف ثيودور هرتسل قبل أكثر من قرن على شرفة منزله في مدينة فينا في النمسا والتقطت له الصورة التي أصبحت رمزا من رموز دولة إسرائيل وقالوا أنها تجسد الحلم الصهيوني بإقامة وطن قومي "للشعب اليهودي" هل كان هرتسل في الوقت نفسه يهدس بالهم الفلسطيني ويحلم بأن تكون هذه الدولة وطن قومي للشعب الفلسطيني أو لجزء منه أيضا؟
كلنا يعرف كيف قامت دولة إسرائيل، ونردد صباح مساء أنها قامت على أنقاض الشعب الفلسطيني وإقتلاعه من أرضة وتشريده ونهب أرضه ودياره. ومنذ ذلك الحين وحتى هذا اليوم ما زالت هذه الدولة تعمل على تخليد عملية التشريد للشعب الفلسطيني وتمنع عودته وتمارس القتل والبطش في حقه. هل يمكن لهذه الدولة أن تكون دولة لفلسطيني واحد يحترم نفسه؟ يحترم هويته وإنتماءه؟ يحترم دماء شهداءه؟ هل يعقل أن تكون دولة إحتلال إستيطاني دولة للشعب المحتل، المشرد والمضطهد؟ المنطق يقول ان ذلك مستحيل وتاريخ الشعوب التي ناضلت ضد الاحتلال والاستعمار من أجل الحرية والاستقلال يؤكد ذلك أيضا.
أما "المتصورون" فيقولون أن هذا ليس ممكنا فحسب بل هو واجب وضروري أيضا. جاء في الورقة:" لذلك نطالب بنظام ديموقراطي توافقي يمكننا من المشاركة الحقيقية في اتخاذ القرار والسلطة لضمان حقوقنا القومية والتاريخية والمدنية الفردية والجماعية" ماذا يعني ذلك؟؟ هل يجب علينا أن نشارك في القرار الذي يتخذه اولمرت وبيريتس بشن الغارات على غزة وهدم بيت حانون وأغتيال عائلات بكاملها؟ وهل يجب أن نطالب الدولة بأن تشاركنا بالقرارعندما تشن الهجوم على أهلنا في النقب ونساهم في نهب أراضيهم ومنحها للمستوطنات؟ وفي مكان آخر يقول المتصورون في سياق المكانة الحقوقية للفلسطينيين:" نسعى الى تحقيق المساواة والشراكة الفعليتين على المستوى القومي-الجماعي والى مكافحة ظروف التبعية الرسمية والتبعية الاقتصادية..." هكذا إذن يجب أن نكون شركاء حقيقيين في نهب أموال الغائبين ويجب أن نكون شركاء في نهب هضبة الجولان وخيراتها ومياهها. ويجب أن تكون شركاء فعليين في قمع أهلنا في الضفة وغزة. وفي مكان آخر يقولون:" يتطلعون (اي الفلسطينيون) الى تحقيق المواطنة الكاملة في الدولة ومؤسساتها وتحقيق إدارة ذاتية تضمن لهم حق إدارة شؤونهم..." إذا لم يكن هذا الكلام أسرلة مفضوحة فهل من أحد يتكرم ويشرح لي معنى الاسرلة؟
تريدون المواطنة الكاملة في دولة عنصرية كولونيالية؟ هذا حقكم مارسوه لوحدكم وكما شئتم ولكن رجاء، لا تتكلموا بإسمنا ولا تجرونا معكم الى هذا المستنقع العفن. تريدون تحقيق المواطنة الكاملة في مؤسسات هذه الدولة أيضا؟؟ وهل تدرون ما هي مؤسسات الدولة التي تلهثون وراءها؟ إنها الجيش الغاصب الذي لم يتوقف عن قتل الفلسطينيين من عام 1948 وحتى اليوم، أنها الشرطة التي تطلق النار على المتظاهرين العزل، أنها السجون التي تحتجز خيرة أبنائنا، انها المخابرات على جميع أشكالها والتي جعلت من القمع خبزها اليومي.
كفى كفى لقد فقأتم عيوننا وانتم تكتبون في كل سطر: العرب الفلسطينين في إسرائيل. نحن العرب الفلسطينيين في فلسطين المحتلة منذ عام 1948، المغتصبة، الممزقة، المغدورة،التعيسة، المتاجر بها بثمن بخس، ولكننا لسنا العرب الفلسطينيين في إسرائيل، ولماذا لا تبقوا الحصوة تقولها صراحة: الاسرائليين العرب الفلسطينيين؟؟؟ يستطيع كل واحد منكم أن يقف على منصة الكنيست ويقسم يمين الولاء ويشارك في المؤتمرات التي تنظمها جمعيات الدوكيوم ويقول بفخر وإعتزاز: نحن العرب الفلسطينيون في إسرائيل أو الاسرائيليون، او مواطنوا الدولة، المعنى واحد وواضح في الوقت نفسه.
بالنسبة لنا الامر يختلف تماما. يوجد هناك تناقض مباشر وتناحري بين هويتنا كعرب فلسطينيين وبين أن نكون إسرائليين. لا يمكن أن تكون عنصري ومعاد للعنصرية في آن واحد، لا يمكن أن تكون فاشيا وديموقراطيا في آن واحد ولا يمكن أن تكون فلسطينيا وإسرائيليا في آن واحد أيضا.
نعم هذا الوطن(السليب) هو وطننا وهذه الارض (المغتصبة) هي أرضنا ولكن هذه الدولة ليست دولتنا ولا يمكن أن تكون كذلك. الدولة وعلى مدار تاريخها ترفضنا كمواطنين، وهي على حق في ذلك فقد قامت رغما عنا، ونحن من جانبنا يجب أن نرفضها كدولتنا ونحن على حق في ذلك. ينبغي أن يكون الشعور متبادلا.

هل نحن أقلية؟ أم أقلية قومية؟
جميع نشطاء الدوكيوم والمثقفين المتأسرلين يستعملون هذا المصطلح في كل مناسبة ومن غير مناسبة. هذا المصطلح الذي كان محببا على مؤسسات الدولة في الماضي، حيث كانوا يصفوننا ب: أبناء ألاقليات "בני מיעוטים" ولا أدري لماذا تركته هذه المؤسسات. فجاء مثقفونا وزادوا عليه كلمة قومية فأصبحت أقلية قومية. وكأننا قبل ذلك كنا نعتبر من سكان إسكندنافيا. وأصبحنا نستعمله نحن أيضا في مناسبة ومن غير مناسبة بدون أن نفقه ما نقوله.
الاقلية القومية تشير في الوقت ذاته على أغلبية قومية، فمن هي هذه الاغلبية القومية يا ترى؟ طبعا المقصود الاغلبية اليهودية، وهذا يعني اننا تبنينا المبدأ الاساسي الذي تروج له الايديولوجية الصهيونية وهو أن جميع اليهود ينتمون الى قومية واحدة، فاليهودي الامريكي واليهودي الاثيوبي واليهودي المغربي ينتمون الى قومية واحدة. وهذا أمر غير واقعي وغير صحيح ويرفضه حتى معظم اليهود الذين فضلوا أن يبقوا خارج "الوطن القومي اليهودي".
والاقلية القومية تعني الاعتراف بسلخنا عن شعبنا الفلسطيني في كافة أماكن تواجده. ولا يفيدنا لو كررنا الف مرة مقولة: نحن جزء لا يتجزأ من الشعب الفلسطيني. وهو يعني سلخنا عن أمتنا العربية التي تجاوزت 250 مليون نسمة، وإلا كيف نكون أقلية؟؟ وهي تعني ألاعتراف بحدود الدولة الراهنة التي لا تعرف هي نفسها أين حدودها. لذلك يجب مقاطعة ومحاربة أستعمال هذا المصطلح المشوه.
يشكل هذا جانب واحد من رداءة وسوء هذه الورقة، ورد في المحور الاول المسمى: "العرب الفلسطينيون في إسرائيل وعلاقتهم بالدولة" وفي المحور الثاني بعنوان: "المكانة الحقوقية للعرب الفلسطينيين في إسرائيل". هذا لا يعني إن الجوانب الاخرى، أو المحاور الاخرى كما أطلقت عليها الورقة هي بأفضل حالا. فجميعها ينضح بالكلام المغشوش، حتى ولو تقنع بشعارات رنانة أكل الدهر عليها وشرب.
في "التصور المستقبلي" لا يوجد أي تصور لحل القضية الفلسطينية وعودة اللاجئين. هل سقط ذلك سهوا أم كان مقصودا لإرضاء الاحزاب العربية الاسرائيلية ونشطاء ومثقفي الدو كيوم؟ أن معظم هؤلاء يحمدون ربهم بأن أتفاقيات أوسلو تجاهلتهم واراحتهم من مسؤولية القضية الفلسطينية، ويستطيعون الاكتفاء بترديد الجملة التي لا تعني وتقول:" يجب إقامة الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة وإيجاد حل عادل لقضية اللاجئين".
باقي الكلام حول سياسة الاراضي والتخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والرؤية التربوية لجهاز التربية والتعليم العربي لا يعدو كونه أكثر من إجترار لأقوال أصبحت ممتهنة من شدة تكرارها وهي لا تشكل أي تصور تحرري تقدمي.
خلاصة الكلام. يريد المتصورون أسرلتنا من رؤوسنا الى أخمص أقدامنا. والمصيبة ان ذلك يجري تحت قناع الهوية الفلسطينية العربية. إلا أن هذا القناع مهترئ ولا يستطيع أن يخدع إلا مروجيه. أنني اناشد أبناء جماهيرنا الفلسطينية الغيورين حقا على هويتهم الوطنية أن يفضحوا هذه الورقة وأن يتبينو ويبينوا الغايات الحقيقية للذين يقفون من ورائها.
والاهم من ذلك، ألا تدعوا أحد مهما كان اللقب الذي يضعه أمام أسمه ومهما كانت المعاهد التي يعمل بها والجمعيات التي تحتضنه والصناديق التي تموله أن يتكلم بإسمكم. هويتنا الوطنية هي نحن وهي عزيزة علينا فلا ندع أحدا يعبث بها.
علي زبيدات

Monday, December 18, 2006

Red eye on the news

Where Syria stands?
Syrian president, Basshar Assad called in an interview to an Italian newspaper the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to renew the negotiations for peace between them. He said to the Israelis: “take risk, check our intentions, we are serious”. at the same time his foreign minister said:” giving the Golan Heights back is not pre request for the negotiations any more”
These declarations came as part of the Syrian campaign to improve its relations with the USA and to avoid an international court about Hariri murder. The restoration of diplomatic relations with Iraq under American occupations is another part of this campaign.
If we have a look on Syrian policy in the last 2-3 decades we’ll see that this is not the first time that there are antagonist contradictions between the pan Arab ideology of the regime and its sectarian pragmatic policy. During the Lebanese civil war mid seventies Assad the father sent his army to prevent the victory of the national coalition helping the fascist Phalanges party. A decade later the Syrian regime helped the American invasion which called “the liberation of Kuwait”.
The regime continues his treacherous policy, sometime with the mask of patriotism sometimes without it.
Syria has no more any conditions to renew the negotiations, but the USA and Israel have many conditions, the most important are: 1) stop helping terrorism (resistance) especially Hezbollah and the Palestinian organization which stays in Damascus. 2) To split from Iran and other axis of evil countries. 3) To accept American-Israeli hegemony in the region.
The resistance movements should be aware because the Syrian regime can jump to the other side to risk itself.

What a journey, what a peace
800 Kibbutz youth began today a “peace journey” along the borders with Egypt on their bicycles. They will drive 190 km in four days and they will spend the cold nights of the desert in their sleeping bags. Because the way is forbidden for the civilians they will be guarded by the army and the border police.
It seems that these spoiled youth don’t know that there’s a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt since before they born. If they really worry for peace they have to begin with themselves, their Kibbutzim and ask on which demolished Palestinian villages where built, and where the populations of these villages are now. If they really worry about peace they could drive a little bit to the north, along the fence of the Gaza strip and see what their soldier do there. If they really worry about peace they have to stop dreaming to be soldiers in combat elite unites, commit crimes and massacres and when they finish their glorious army service become the leaders of the state.

Abbas Siniora and Dahlan Ja’ja’
It’s not secret any more that the USA and Israel do all what they can after the Israeli defeat in Lebanon to cause a civil war in this country. I think it’s not secret any more that they try to do the same thing in Palestine also. But what still a secret, at least for some people, is how can be so stupid. The Israelis and the Americans declare every morning and every evening their support to the bankrupted Siniora- Abbas authorities. Don’t they know that one of the most important reasons of Hezbollah and Hamas is the popular hatred to them? One clever Israeli journalist advised his government to stop hugging Abbas if they want him to succeed to let the Hamas government fall.
The Lebanese and the Palestinian people know exactly who their friends and who their enemies are.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Democracy? No, thank you

Democracy? No, thank you

The triple, the USA, England and Israel want to teach us, we the barbaric and retarded Arabs, democracy. They say that they have a glorious and enormous democratic history and tradition. They have surplus of democracy, more than enough for their local markets, therefore they search for new markets to export democracy.
I remember that a long time ago when we were at the elementary school we learned that England is the first democratic country in the world, since the Magna Carta in 1215. We learned also that the American constitution is the best democratic document ever published. About Israel we learned and are still learning that it’s the only democratic oasis in the heart of the Arab tyrannical desert.
Good, with such records no one can dispute. As if there’s no contradiction between the English democracy and the fact that England occupied most of Africa, India, the middle East, the Far East, and many other countries all over the world creating one of the biggest empires in human history. It has no contradiction with the killing of millions in these countries and the blundering of its resources. And there’s not any contradiction between the American constitution and ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people and the discrimination against the blacks and the uncountable wars against small and poor nations around the world. While Israel stays the cleanest democracy in spite of the uprooting of the Palestinian people and taking its land, in spite of the occupation and the nonstop series of massacres.
Now, the export of democracy to Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine cost the lives of many thousands. If we don’t boycott this democracy and fight against it, i will destroy the whole region.
Democracy?? No, thank you. Leave us with our tyranny please

Thursday, December 14, 2006

good morning Sakhnin good morning to the world

Good morning Sakhnin, good morning to the world, I’m back again

For about 4 months I haven’t wrote anything, since the end of the Israeli war against the Lebanese people in July-August. Many friends sent me letters asking: where are you? Where did you disappear? To be honest I don’t have any answer for them, or maybe the answer is too complicated and difficult that I myself don’t understand it. But if anybody insists to have an answer I can only say that a strong feeling inside me prohibited me all this period and held the writing. I needed this time to think and to evaluate many ideas.
Anyway, I’m here again, trying to say something about what’s going around. Since the ceasefire in Lebanon many things had happened. Actually I think that the war didn’t really stop it continued in different means and moved to other places. What’s going on now in Beirut is a direct result and continuation of the war which was waged by the USA with the help of Israel, and not the opposite as most people believe. In the same time the war in Gaza, and the recent massacres which are happening there (eg. Beit Hanoun) was committed by the USA and then by Israel. I say that not to lessen the Israeli responsibility of the crimes that occur all the time in the area, but to draw more attention to the responsibility of the American administration. The Americans pretend to be friends of the Lebanese people through Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and the sectarian leaders around him, and to be friends of the Palestinian people through Mahmoud Abbas and his mercenary gang, and friends of the Iraqi people through their agents in the government. With such friends who needs enemies?
Let’s try to be optimists, it’s a wonderful day. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the weather is warm, a summer day in the middle of December, isn’t it enough to be optimistic?
Good morning from Sakhnin, and hope to meet you here every day.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What evil scourge laugh!!

Israel is the spoiled child of the West, specially the USA and England. And like every spoiled child with bad educators he/she will sooner or later go astray from one side and be forgiven for his bad deeds from the other side. If another state in the world had done only 1% of the crimes which Israel did since its establishment until today, it will be considered as the biggest devil and the heart of the evil axes. Our biggest problem, we the Palestinian, Lebanese people and all the other people in the region that our problem is with Israel and not with somebody else.
I don’t want to talk here about the reasons of this coquettish behavior of Israel and the special treatment which it gains from the West. I just want to mention some small remarks to help people to rethink about there image of Israel.
Israel is the only democratic oasis in the Middle East surrounded with a desert of tyranny, fanaticism and terrorism. Ok. Good.
• The president of this state, Mr. Moshe Katzav, is accused in sexual harassment of one of his workers. To defend himself he accused her that she tried to blackmail him.
• The prime minister, Mr. Ehud Olmert is accused of corruption and fraud, by buying an apartment in Jerusalem for a good price in return of giving benefits to the conductor who sold him the apartment.
• The chef staff of the army, Mr. Dan Haloetz, who said that he sleep very well after he throw a bomb of one ton on the heads of people, is accused that he sold his stocks in the bank 2 hours after the kidnapping of the 2 soldiers in Lebanon and the beginning of the war, according to inside information that the stocks value will decrease.
• The defense minister, Mr. Ameer Peretz, who is half analphabet, took in his hands one of the most dangerous war machine as if he had a doll in his hand. And now he assigned his friend Shahak to get him out from this trouble.
• The Minister Shimon Peres, Nobel price winner for peace, in spite that he was involved of all the wars of Israel, is under investigation from the state comptroller for illegal elections collected money.
• The Justice Minister, Mr. Haim Ramon, who demanded from the army to delete complete villages in South Lebanon from the map, is also accused of sexual harassment, and will be trialed.
• The minister, Mr. Tsahi Hanigbi, a known fascist since he was student in the Hebrew university, is accused with cheating, corruption and breach of trust.
• The financial minister, Mr. Abrham Hershzon, complaint that he got intimidations from the organized crime but he afraid to complain.
• The coalition chairman, Mr. Avigdor Yetzhaki, is accused of corruption and cheating.

This situation exists from the beginning. Only the names change. Yes, this is the state which can do anything it wants and the world stands and applaud. To keep the attention of the people away from these small affairs, the just go and kill some Arabs in Gaza or Beirut and say: it is self defense.
If it was not tragic, it would be very funny.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The great victory of Israel

On the contrary of what many people on both sides say that Israel was defeated in this war, I think that Israel achieved one of its great victories. Don’t believe Shaul Mofaz the ex-defense minister when he said that Israel was defeated. He said that because of his envy to the present defense ministers, Ameer Pertz. If he was the defense minister in this war, for sure he’ll say the opposite. And don’t believe all the politicians and journalists from the right and the left because everyone has his own agenda. And of course you can’t believe the Arabs because they are “fatal liars”!.
Israel had a big victory in this war, do you want the proof? During one month the strongest army in the region (some says the fourth in the world) killed 1450 civilians, 500 of them are children,3659 injured , one million refugees, and destroyed 20000 buildings and 105 bridges. And god knows how many roads, cars, factories, etc. is that not a great victory? So what if they killed only 61 of Hezbollah fighters? Don’t forget that those children who were killed are potential terrorists and “who comes to kill you get up early to kill him”, isn’t it? Listen to what Eli Yeshai, the leader of the third biggest party, Shas, said: “It’s permitted to kill civilians even to destroy whole village to prevent shooting on our army or civilians”. He’s not the only one who believes that. According to one of the recent polls 70% of the Israelis believe the same. And why is that? Because the Jewish people is the treasured people (A’m Segolah) the chosen people of god. With such ideology, who needs Muslim fascists or anti Semites?
Congratulations Israel for your great victory.
please have a look to this link

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The sharpening of knives

Two days after Israel waged its war; this means at Friday 14th of July, Yede’ot Ahronot the biggest newspaper in the state (and probably other news papers) attached to its copy a small blue-white flag written on it in Hebrew: “we will win”. Now after 33 days of war and one ceasefire resolution, all Israeli newspapers together with many writers, journalists and politicians have to admit: we didn’t win. The optimistic among them said we had a draw. The others said we had our first defeat. And they thanked the USA, England, France and the Security Council for the pro Israeli solution.
I remember that already on the first days of the war I wrote an article and said: “after all, and in the end man and not any war machine is the decisive factor in a war”
The Israelis (and many people in the West) can’t understand this simple sentence. They think that Hezbollah fighters are not more than a gang of extreme terrorists and fanatic Muslims who explode themselves to get their price in paradise in the form of beautiful ladies. Or they are mercenaries who fight for handful of dollars but when they face the first danger, they take off their shoes and run away.
Israel learned on its flesh that this is not the case. Although it’s true that Hezbollah is a religious party and belongs to the Shi’et sect, its struggle, which didn’t begin one month but about 25 years ago, was a patriotic struggle. It developed through a hard, bitter and long fight against the occupation of their land by Israel, which waged also in that time even more cruel war against civilians, destroying whole villages and committing many massacres. The collective memory of the people of south Lebanon is not short as Israel mistakenly thought.
Soon, the cannons will be silent, and another war will begin in Israel. Some people even said it has already begun. The politicians against the militaries, the politicians against themselves: Olmert against Pertz and vice versa, Olmert against Levni and vice versa. The coalition against the opposition and vice versa.
Everyone is asking now: where’s the victory which you promised us? is that worthy of all that loses? Etc. etc.
Few people, Like the journalist Gedo’n Levi in Haaretz said: maybe it was better that we didn’t win. Imagine that we had a big and easy victory, what will happen? Then the next step will be a war against Iran and Syria and we’ll destroy Gaza completely. The steadfast of Lebanon sopped such scenario. The arrogance of Israel is damaged.
Hezbollah can claim victory in spite of the high price which it paid and in spite of the unfair resolution of the Security Council. My question is: Can Hezbollah as sectarian religious party lead a whole progressive struggle against American-Israeli hegemony in the Middle East? I doubt that, but about this subject much writing and discussions should come.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Israeli Security Council

They call it falsely the United Nations Security Council. The big lie doesn’t stop here. They continue and say: the Security Council is the organ of the United Nations charged with maintaining peace and security among nations. After one month of dirty war on Lebanon and after the apparent policy of the United States and England against the cease fire and their pressure on other members, we, the people of Lebanon and Palestine at least, can say that the security council is an organ charged with maintaining war and security of Israel and it doesn’t give a damn about security of Lebanon or other countries in the region.
One can say: there’s at least finally a ceasefire. This means that the “destruction” and the “killing of civilians” will stop on both sides. This is another big lie. I want anybody who has a drop of objectivity to compare between the destruction of North Israel from one side and south Lebanon and South Beirut from the other side. From the beginning of the war 40 Israeli civilian were killed (17 of them were Arabs) and this is not because Hezbollah can’t kill more civilians. From 3000 rockets launched to Israel only about 500 directed to Israeli settlement and towns (according to Israeli sources) while the great majority fell on open areas. Hassan Nasrallah said in one of his speeches that he avoids targeting petrochemical industries in Haifa golf because he knows what for disasters it would cause to civilians. He knew that most the Jewish population of the north left to the hotels in the south and the center of Israel. Bombing some settlements on the north was mainly for warning and deterrence. While in this period Israel launched more than 12000 air strikes (again from Israeli sources) mainly on civilian houses and civilian infrastructure, this without counting the artillery and war ships shellings. More than 1000 civilians were killed and million were uprooted after there homes were destructed. Is there any comparison?? The Americans, Europeans, and others talked the whole time about the right of Israel for self defense. No one mentioned the right of Lebanon for self defense.
When I followed the Security Council debate about resolution 1701 last night I couldn’t believe my eyes and my ears. From where all this hypocrisy and heartlessness. Unbelievable. I remembered for a while the film “the accused” with Jodie Foster which I saw a few weeks ago on one of the satellite channels. What a horror, a woman repeatedly assaulted and raped and others stand to watch and cheer. For one whole long month Lebanon was raped from the sky, the sea and the ground every day, every hour and everyone can see that live on TV (the Israelis saw very little because Israeli TV’s didn’t show the whole scene, I think also the West showed very little, to judge from what I saw in the BBC and the Dutch TV). While all the respectable foreign ministers and representatives who talk before and after voting to the resolution without any opposition, cheered for Israel.
Anan started this orgy Condoleezza Rice and the French foreign minister continued. They talked about their worry to the security of Israel. And confirmed its right for self defense. In different words all of them made Hezbollah the main responsible. Even the idiotic Arab representative, who are supposed to represent the victim, the Qatari foreign minister, knew only how to praise the Americans and the French for their efforts, while criticizing Israel in abashed words.
After the voting, the foreign ministers or representatives of Greece, England, Denmark, China, Slovakia, Russia, Argentina, Japan, Tanzania, Peru and Ghana talked, all of them, even those who talked about the human suffering of the Lebanese people didn’t even mention one word of condemnation toward Israel, as if what happened in Lebanon was a natural disaster, a tsunami or earth quack. This was not a film like in the Accused (although the film was based on a real story) but happened in reality. like in the film, not only the rapers should be accused but also those who cheered

Friday, August 11, 2006

Who's responsible?

Every time the Hezbollah katyusha rockets hit an Arab village or town and victims fall the Israeli media asks: isn’t Hezbollah and Hassan Nasrallah responsible for this damage and killing? Don’t you see that they don’t distinguish between Arab Palestinians and Israelis? Why don’t you condemn them?
After what happened today in Deir al Asad where a young mother (25) and her son (5) were killed and other members of her family were injured, some of my foreigner friends asked the same question. And they added: if such a rocket of Hezbollah hits your house and killed your daughter or wife or brother how would you react?
The Israeli media had many answers from me and from many others including members of the families themselves. So this answer of mine is addressed mainly to my friends everywhere in the world. And I hope that I can explain my point of view.
Until now 17 Arab Palestinians in the north of occupied Palestine 1948 (the Galilee and Haifa) were killed, among them 4 children: the twin brothers (7 and 4) from Nazareth Mahmmoud and Rabie’, Doa’a (15) from Mghaar, and Fathi (5) from Deir al Asad. The other 13 are adults from Haifa, Majd el Koroum, I’bilin, Mghaar, Tarshiha, and A’ramshe. They belong to all the communities in Palestine: Muslims, Christians and Druze. No doubt that what happened for these families is a big tragedy regardless who’s responsible.
I believe there are 2 kinds of responsibilities. The first one I call high ethical responsibility, which every great leader should have (but also normal people should have it too). Hassan Nasrallah, not only as Hezbollah leader, but also as an Arab leader and as distinguish human leader enjoys a high ethical responsibility. This means that he takes care of his fighters and his people, he does everything he can to keep them safe, and he feels very sad if anyone is hurt. He’s responsible for them. After the twin brothers from Nazareth were killed he said in his speech when millions of people saw and heard him: “I apologize to the family, apology is not enough, I take the whole responsibility, it was not done on purpose” and then he said: “we considered those who were killed today in Nazareth martyrs of Palestine, Lebanon and the nation. We send them our condolence and apology and we hope they will accept it”
All the 17 who were killed are martyrs of Palestine, Lebanon and the Arab nation. And in this meaning Sayed Hassan Nasrallah is responsible for what happened.
But on the other hand there’s the practical responsibility. Who’s responsible for all this misery, all this killing and all this destruction? Now the whole world points to the Israeli government and the American administration. Hassan Nasrallah said from the first day and repeated that in every speech: we don’t want this war, we want ceasefire, and we want indirect negotiation for prisoners swap. While the Israeli sent their war machine to destroy all Lebanon, and kill more than 1000 and uproot more than 1 million people. And the Americans give the political cover, the time and the bombs.
Hassan Nasrallah asked Israel to stop targeting the civilians, and in spite of the unbalance let the fighters meet in the field. But Israel responded with the Qana massacre and with more massacres. So, what do you want from him to sit with tied hands and simply watch how his people is slaughtered? How his country is destroyed? He has no F16, no Apache, no tanks; he has what I call the weapon of the poor: Katyushas and Kalashnikovs.
Finally, I propose to all of us, and to the local leadership (the follow up committee, political parties, civil society association, etc.) to add these 17 martyrs to the list of our martyrs of October 2000 and of Land Day and to all who fell defending our just cause.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

رسالة مفتوحة الى جمعية عدالة

رسالة مفتوحة الى جمعية عدالة

تعرف جمعية عدالة التي تأسست عام 1996 نفسها على انها:"مركز قانوني عربي غير حزبي وغير ربحي، وكمنظمة حقوق إنسان، بهدف خدمة المجتمع العربي الفلسطيني في إسرائيل، الذي يشكل حوالي 20% من مجمل السكان في البلاد." (هذا التعريف مقتبس من موقع الجمعية نفسه)
لا اريد هنا أن أتطرق لا من بعيد ولا من قريب اذا كان هذا المركز بالفعل عربيا ام لا، حزبيا أم لا ربحيا أم لا. ليس لأن هذه المواضيع غير مهمة بحد ذاتها ولكن فقط لأنها ليست في سياق موضوع هذه الرسالة. بودي أن اتناول الشق الآخر من التعريف الا وهو ان هدف هذا المركز خدمة المجتمع العربي الفلسطيني في إسرائيل. هنا تقبع خطيئة عدالة الاولى وخطيئة كافة الجمعيات التي تسمي نفسها أهلية.
لقد أصبح مالوفا وطبيعيا إذا وجهت سؤالا الى شخصية مثقفة او غير مثقفة وطنية او غير وطنية عن تعريفه لهويته أن تسمع الجواب التالي: أنا عربي فلسطيني إسرائيلي أو انا عربي فلسطيني مواطن في اسرائيل. واضح انه لا يوجد خلاف جذري بين الاجابتين. قد يختلف ترتيب هذه الكلمات من شخص ال آخر او من جمعية الى أخرى. فكلما ارتفع منسوب الاسرلة تقدمت كلمة اسرائيل في الترتيب. عند هؤلاء المثقفين (وجميع العاملين في عدالة ينتمون الى النخبة المثقفة) وعند هذه الجمعيات لم يعد هناك ثمة تناقض جذري بين ان تكون عربيا فلسطينيا وأن تكون في الوقت نفسه إسرائيليا. ويحلو لهؤلاء الكلام عن الاقلية العربية الفلسطينية في اسرائيل والتي تشكل حوالي 20% من مجمل سكان البلاد.
هذا التعريف يخبىء في ثناياه العديد من الاخطاء والأخطار المقصودة او غير المقصودة ولكنها تعود بأضرار كارثية على الجماهير الفلسطينية وعلى هويتها الوطنية. يتضمن هذا التعريف الاعتراف بشرعية دولة اسرائيل في هذا الجزء المحتل من فلسطين عام 1948 ويخلد تقسيم فلسطين التاريخية والجغرافية بناء على مقدرة دولة اسرائيل العسكرية في احتلال وضم أجزاء اخرى من فلسطين. هذا التعريف يخلد ايضا تقسيم الشعب الفلسطيني في اماكن تواجده المختلفة بالرغم من ان النضال لإعادة اللحمة لهذا الشعب لم تتوقف ابدا. وهو ايضا ينافي الحقيقة الموضوعية حيث من الواضح انه بعد أكثر من قرن على الهجرة الصهيونية وعلى حوالي 60 سنة من قيام هذه الدولة، ما زال الشعب الفلسطيني وبالرغم من كل ما تعرض له يشكل الأغلبية في هذه المنطقة.
الاستنتاج الذي اخرج منه في هذا السياق ان عدالة هي جمعية اسرائلية تعمل حسب القانون الاسرائيلي وتخضع في نهاية المطاف للمفاهيم السياسية الاسرائيلية. ويبدو هذا بوضوح أشد عندما نستمع منها الى دورها والى مهماتها:
"رفع قضايا وإلتماسات أمام المحاكم، تتعلق بالحقوق الجمعية للأقلية العربية الفلسطينية؛
العمل من أجل سن ودفع قوانين تضمن للأقلية العربية الفلسطينية المساواة والحقوق الجمعية؛
توفير إستشارة قانونية لتنظيمات غير حكومية ومؤسسات عربية؛
تنظيم أيام دراسية، ندوات وورشات عمل تثقيفية، بالاضافة إلى نشر تقارير عن مسائل قانونية تعنى بحقوق الأقلية العربية الفلسطينية، وذلك من خلال قسم الاصدارات والنشر في المركز؛
تدريب محامين عرب وشباب وطلاب حقوق في مجالات حقوق الانسان والأقليات القومية؛
المرافعة الدولية وتقديم تقارير للجان حقوق الانسان الدولية المختلفة حول وضع الأقلية العربية الفلسطينية في إسرائيل". (مقتبس من الموقع ذاته)
من البديهي ان رفع القضايا والإلتماسات امام المحاكم الاسرائلية يتطلب مسبقا الاعتراف بشرعية هذه المحاكم وبعدالة القوانين الاسرائيلية مهما كانت مجحفة في حق جماهيرنا. اما العمل على سن ودفع قوانين "تضمن للأقلية العربية الفلسطينية المساواة ....." فمن المعروف ان هذه العملية تتم في الكنيست الصهيوني الذي سن كافة القوانين العنصرية في حق شعبنا ويضفي الشرعية على هذه المؤسسة العنصرية.
أما المرافعة الدولية التي تتكلم عنها جمعية عدالة فأنها لا تتعدى بعض التقارير المرسلة الى المفوضية السامية لحقوق الانسان التابعة للامم المتحدة ولبعض المحافل الاوروبية. وحسب رأيي بما ان هذه الجهات بالاضافة الى صناديق مشبوهة في علاقاتها بإسرائيل هي التي تمول هذه الجمعية فمن الطبيعي أن لا تستطيع عدالة أختراق هذا السقف المفروض عليها من قبل الممولين.
اننا بحاجة الى مركز قانوني يقوم اولا وقبل كل شيء يقوم بجمع المعلومات وهي غزيرة جدا حول جرائم الحرب التي ارتكبتها اسرائيل منذ قيامها وحتى يومنا هذا وتقديم مجرمي الحرب القدامى والجدد امام جميع المحاكم الدولية. ولنبدأ بجرائم الحرب الاخيرة في غزة ولبنان.
اننا بحاجة الى مركز قانوني يثبت للعالم عدم شرعية دولة اسرائيل من وعد بلفور الى الانتداب البريطاني الى قرار التقسيم والاعلان عن قيام دولة اسرائيل وحتى اليوم.
هل تستطيع عدالة أو أي منظمة حقوقية القيام بمثل هذه المهمة؟

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Kill me with a kiss

Kill me with a kiss

When Justice Minister Haim Ramon was a young member of the labor party he was considered to be one of the promising leaders of the dovish wing of this party. Many Arab members of the same party saw in him a friend of this sector and supported him in the elections. My position was like many other Palestinians, that there’s no real difference, not only between right and left Zionism (Labor vs. Likkud) but also between the so called hawk and dovish wings inside the labor party. Facts prove that we are right. Ramon, Pertz, Metzna’ are only a few examples.
Now Ramon is in Kadema Party, and he’s the justice minister. He is indicted of sexual harassment. He’s suspected of kissing a young woman who works at a government ministry on her mouth against her will.
a Few weeks ago he was interrogated for more than 7 hours by the police. The interrogation hasn't finished yet but police sources say that there’s a strong case, and that he would be convicted in this case.A Few days later the government general attorney Mazuz asked him to stop handling professional issues in his office, like approval pardons and appointing new judges.
Meanwhile, the war broke out in Lebanon. And the justice minister became a blood thirsty hawk. In every occasion he declares that the Israeli army should continue the war, no ceasefire is acceptable and the full achievements of all goals, he criticized the army that they don’t use enough power. He demanded to destroy complete villages by air and only then to let ground troops enter.
Does he do that to let the Israelis forget or forgive his kiss? Is that a message to that woman to withdraw her accusation against him? Or maybe it’s an attempt to influence the police and later the judges to have mercy on him? Maybe we need a professional psychologist to analyze this case?
Until then thousands of Lebanese people have to pay expensive price for the kiss of Ramon.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Why the Israeli war hasn't stopped yet?

Why the Israeli war hasn't stopped yet?

There are many reasons for that. First of all, the entire Israeli military machine failed until now to fulfill the missions which the political leadership (the government) imposed on. Secondly, the sponsor of this war, the USA also failed to achieve its target: to advance the New Middle East. And of course there are many more reasons for that. But I don’t want to talk about them right now. I would like to talk about the role of the Israeli media in the continuation of the war.
Israel succeeded to create 2 awful monsters: a military machine and a propaganda machine. I read the main 3 Israeli newspapers daily: Maa’riv, Yedeot Ahronot and Haaretz and I watch the news in Israeli channel 2 and 10. And I almost don’t find any news. I find a united group, a front, recruited and mobilized to incite and provoke war. I believe the other media like radio station, other newspapers and TV channels are the same. All of them play on one string and one tune: continue the war! Hit them hard! Use more power and more fire! Destroy all their villages! Kill Hassan Nasrallah! Kill Hezbollah.
In the 2 TV channel which I mentioned sits a group of so called experts, interpreters and reporters who think that they know everything, understand everything and make from their distorted ideas an absolute truth. Take for example Ehud Ya’ri the expert interpreter for Arab affairs from channel 2. He thinks that he knows even the dreams of all Arabs, leaders, children, Palestinians, Lebanese, refugees, etc. and he tells the Israeli audiences what he thinks and they believe him. Together with him sit many other pseudo experts like Aharon Barne’, Rnoy Daniel, Amnon Abramovitch, Yoram Benur, Gadi Sokanik, Moshe Nesbaum, and many others. The competitors from channel 10 are not better, enough to mention: Dan Margalit, London and Keshinbaum, Alon Ben David, Zvi Yehezkeli, and others. This beside their guests from the extreme right Knesset members, fascist academics and settlers who add their own diamonds and pearls. All of them are pushed by and stirred up with the idea which is rooted deep in the Zionist ideology that the Arabs understand only one language: the language of force. And they say who won’t come with force he will come with more force.
Almost for one month this group shouts with one voice: don’t stop the war. Use more power. Pound Hezbollah. Etc. etc.
The danger of this propaganda machine is enormous. Because most Israeli population take their news and information only from these sources. Therefore it’s not astonishing that the majority of the Israelis support the continuation of this war. The Israeli decision makers too are under the influence of this machine. This situation brings disasters on Palestinians, Lebanese but also on Israelis.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Palestinians of the Galilee and the war

The Palestinians of the Galilee and the war

The weekend was very hard for the Palestinian community which lives in the Galilee. 9 people were killed in several Arab villages. From the beginning of the war 14 Palestinians were killed, almost half of the civilians who were killed in this war. One can say: it’s very normal because they make 50% of the population in this area and Hezbollah shoots indiscriminately to all towns and villages in the North part of Israel. The facts are a little different. It’s true that the Palestinians consist 50% of the population and now 80% after the departure of the majority of the Jewish citizens, but this is not the real reason for the relative high causality among them. There are at least 3 other more important reason for that.
1- The Katyusha rockets are not shot blindly to the north. One can’t find even one Palestinian who believes that Hezbollah targets also the Arab villages. The reason that some rockets fall in these villages that Israel built many of its military bases near Arab villages and that many of the Israeli settlements and town are also built on confiscated Arab land close to these villages. If we take Majd Alkroom as an example: only 3 km to the east-south is Karmiel which was built on the lands of Majd alkroom itself and other neighboring villages too (Nahef, Bi’neh, Deir Alasad) and few km to the north there’s a military camp and industrial park. And because Hezbollah doesn’t possess advanced and clever missiles like Israel then it’s normal that they sometime miss their original targets. The same in Tarshiha, Mighar, Nazareth and other places.
2- In most Arab villages there are no shelters or safe rooms. Israel never considered them as part of its security policy for the civilians. It never built a public shelter in any Arab town. This reminds me of the discussion in the government in 1991 during the first Golf war whether to provide masks for the Arab population or not. Mostly we hear the sirens from the neighboring Jewish settlements. While in the Israeli settlements there are Lexus shelters with all that they need including entertainment shows from artists from the center.
3- This reason is which I think is the most important one. That almost all the Palestinian population support Hezbollah in this war. When they see on Arab satellite channels the destruction, killings, massacres caused by Israel in Lebanon, such a thing the averages Israeli doesn’t see in his own TV, then they say: let Hezbollah destroy more even if we have to pay something. Therefore when the sirens start screaming the Israelis run to a shelter while the Palestinians run to their roofs to see where the rockets fall. Besides, I think that most Palestinians still have open wounds from the Nakba and the other defeats which they had since 1948, they didn’t forget the humiliation and the feelings of powerlessness, depression and revenge. And now, here finally there’s an Arab organization which daress not only to say no to Israel, but also to beat it in sensitive places.
This situation makes the Israeli politicians and media crazy. In the beginning of the war they tried to convince these Palestinians that Hezbollah is their enemy too. They talked about a mutual “solidarity”. Now it’s clear for everybody above all doubt that these people belong to the Lebanese-Palestinian Arab nation and not to the state of Israel.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Who's the terrorist?

Who is the Terrorist?

In the so called international community's (USA, Israel, and Europe) eyes Hezbollah is considered to be a terrorist organization while Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East. Therefore all what Hezbollah does are terrorist acts which should be condemned while all that Israel does is self defense which should be supported.
After 25 days of fighting let facts talk for themselves. According to Israeli sources: 32 Israeli civilians were killed, 10 of them are Palestinian Arabs. While Israel killed until now about 1000 Lebanese civilians. Most of them through massacres and crimes against humanity. Qana, where many children were killed and Alqaa’ where 33 workers were slaughtered with cold blood are only examples. Actually in every village Israel reached there was a massacre: in Bent Jbail, Mirwahin, Aitaron, Serfa, Aita Assha’b, etc.
Hezbollah caused some harm to the Buildings in some towns and villages in the north of Israel while Israel destroyed almost all of Lebanon. The Israeli air force launched until now more than 5000 air strikes, no body knows until now how many tons of explosives they dropped. They destroyed all the bridges of the country, many streets, some complete villages, buildings where civilian live, energy stations, airport, schools, mosques. Israel as a good student of the USA believes in the theory of burned ground and continues the tradition which began in Vietnam in the sixties and seventies and finished recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. Israel uses this strategy very successfully in Palestine and Lebanon.
The weapon used by Hezbollah is Katyosha rockets from 30 years ago and very simple guns. While the Israeli army which is considered the fourth strongest army in the world has and uses the most sophisticated weapon like F-16 warplanes, Apache helicopters, missiles, clever bombs, cluster bombs, tanks, and much more.
Hezbollah, from the first day of the war, called for cease fire and for negotiation to swap prisoners, while Israel closed its ears and chose for war. Hezbollah wanted Israelto stop targeting civilians and stop damaging the Lebanese infrastructures, otherwise he has to react. But Israel continued and escalated its war against whole Lebanon. In his last speech, Nasrallah said that he doesn’t want to send rockets to the Israeli towns in the north and that all what he does is only reaction to the Israeli attacks not action. And he asked Israel to stop that and to face Hezbollah in the military field in spite that the balance is in the advantage of the Israeli army. Israel responded with more war crimes against civilians.
Now, who’s the terrorist?? Hezbollah? If so we are all terrorists

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A'kka doesn't fear the roaring sea

Acre doesn’t fear the roaring sea

Acre, a beautiful dreaming city on the see shore, knew in its long history very hard times. Napoleon Bonaparte was here a long time ago and failed to occupy it. The Zionists occupied Acre (A’kka) and since then it lives a continuous tragedy.

Today at 9 o’clock in the morning I took my 2 daughters and went to Acre. A drive of about 20 minutes from Sakhnin. I wanted to renew my passport, which normally one can do here in the municipality, but because of the war the municipality is not working. So I decided to do that in the interior ministry office in Acre. I promised my 2 daughters that afterwards we’ll continue to the old city, walk in the old market and have breakfast (hummus & foul) in one of the most known restaurant in the market.
Fortunately or unfortunately the interior office was also closed, because the war and because yesterday some rockets fell there. So we went to the old city somewhat earlier. Most shops were closed, almost no one walking in the streets. The promenade along the harbor, which is usually full with people, tourists and natives, was also empty. The market too was calm and empty. There was a bakery open 2 or 3 vegetable shops, one grocery. We arrived to the restaurant which in this hour of the day in normal times is not only open but also many people would stand outside in a queue waiting for a free table. This time were only a few people inside. We entered the restaurant, and we had our hummus. The atmosphere was different. Everything was quiet. Even nobody talked about the war. People looked at each other in an undefined way. We finished our meal very fast and I said to my daughters let’s go back home.
At home, 2 hours later we heard the siren alarm and after that a strong sound of falling rockets. It was so strong that we were sure that this time it’s too close. We ran to the TV to see what happened. Rockets fell everywhere in the Galilee. The closest was in Carmiel about 5 km from here. But we knew also that rockets fell in Acre and 3 people were killed. In spite that they don’t say the exact place where the rocket fell, but I recognized the street which 2 hours ago I drove through. My wife who was so afraid and worried sighed very deeply. A Few minutes later, in the same Israeli channel the so called military analyzer and his guest, one of the ministers, talked about how much it is important and necessary to continue the fight in Lebanon and destroy more villages in the south to clean the area from rockets.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

قانا وأخواتها

قانا وأخواتها

من كان يظن أن مناظر اشلاء الاطفال الذين انتشلوا من تحت الردم في قانا سوف يحرك ضمير صناع القرار في إسرائيل فقد مني بصدمة او على الاقل بخيبة أمل. إلا أن من يعرف طبيعة هذه الدولة وطبيعة حكامها لم يتفاجئ. قد يتحرك الضمير اذا كان هناك ثمة ضمير ولكنه كيف يتحرك إذا كان ميتا او معدوما اصلا؟
لم تكن مجزرة قانا الثانية المجزرة الاولى التي ترتكبها دولة إسرائيل. حتى انها وبالرغم من فظاعتها لم تكن أفظع مجزرة ترتكبها. إن تاريخ دولة إسرائيل هو تاريخ مجازرها. في عام 1948 شردت اكثر من نصف الشعب الفلسطيني، هدمت أكثر من 500 مدينة وقرية واقترفت أكثر من 70 مجزرة ولعل اشهرها كان دير ياسين، الطنطورة، بلد الشيخ، عيلبون وغيرها. وبعدما قامت هذه الدولة على انقاض الشعب الفلسطيني ووطنه نمت وترعت على الدماء المسفوكة في المجازر التي لا تنتهي. يكفي هنا أن نذكر بعض المحطات على طريق المجازر الممتد منذ اليوم الاول لقيام هذه الدولة الى يومنا هذا: كفر قاسم، قبية، بحر البقر، يوم الارض، صبرا وشاتيلا، المجازر العديدة خلال الاتنفاضة الاولى والثانية وخصوصا مجزرة جنين، مجزرة قانا الاولى، ومجازر قطاع غزة التي لم تتوقف حتى اليوم.
ومن الجدير ذكره هنا أن اسرائيل لم تعترف بأي مجزرة إقترفتها ولم تتحمل مسؤولية ايا منها وغني عن القول انها لم تقدم أي أعتذار لضحاياها. في أحسن الاحوال كانت تبدي "أسفها" العابر بعد ان تتنصل من المسؤولية وتحملها لغيرها كما كان موقفها إزاء مجزرة قانا الثانية. ومن ثم تعود الى سابق عهدها وتواصل المجازر من غير رادع.

حسب رأيي هذا ليس غريبا على دولة ولدت من رحم اللاشرعية، من رحم المؤامرات الدولية والخيانة. لقد كانت ولادتها خطأ تاريخيا يتحمل تبعاته ونتائجه المأساوية كل من يمت لها بصلة ما. الشعب الفلسطيني والشعب اللبناني ليسا الشعبين الوحيدين الذين يعانين من هذا الغول المتعطش للدماء، بل جميع شعوب المنطقة والعالم بأسره. وليس من باب الصدفة أن ترى حتى الشعوب الاوروبية أن اسرائيل تشكل أكبر خطر على السلام العالمي. وأكثر من ذلك فإن هذه الدولة تشكل أكبر خطر على اليهود الذين تدعي زورا وبهتانا انها قامت لحمايتهم وللدفاع عنهم. ومن الواضح للجميع اليوم أن اسرائيل أخطر مكان في العالم لليهود. فهي تزج بهم في حروب لا تنتهي وتحاول بشتى الطرق إقتلاعهم من بيوتهم الامنة في أرجاء الارض والإلقاء بهم في اتون الحروب المستمرة.
من أجل السلام العالمي، ومن أجل حرية جميع الشعوب يجب العمل على الغاء هذه الدولة ولاستعاضة عنها بنظام إنساني يتمتع بضمير حي يولد من رحم العدالة والحرية.

Monday, July 31, 2006

goodbye and don't come back

Goodbye Condoleezza and don’t come back

Go back Condoleezza to Washington, sit with your retarded boss and tell him what you saw in Lebanon and tell him that nobody here is interested in your New Middle East because it is adulterated merchandise. Your new Middle East began with a bloody war in Iraq killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people, destroying the country and robbing its oil and provoking a civil war. Your new Middle East arrived to the poor Gaza strip where you forced a siege on the Palestinian people because it dares to choose its leadership. And you incited your wild bulldog to kill more Palestinians in pretext of fighting terrorism. And now you incited this dog to attack Lebanon. You provided him with the most lethal weapon, with clever bombs, with mass destruction weapons. And you gave it the time to do what ever it wants. So it destroyed houses, bridges, villages, actually everything which moves and not moves, killing children, women, and old people again in pretext of fighting terrorism. Now this bulldog asks for another 2 weeks to destroy more places and kill more people, would you give him?
Is this what you call democracy? Do you do that to crown Olmert to be the king of the new Middle East? But he is even more retarded than your boss, how will he manage? Do you think your agents in the Arab world can help him? But you see that these tactics didn’t work in Iraq so why do you think it will work in Gaza and Beirut? And when will you destroy Damascus and force it to join the New Middle East as well?
No Condi, don’t come back here because we prefer our lousy old Middle East

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The massacre of Qana

The massacre of Qana
The misery of humanism and the downfall of ethics

After seeing the terrible and shocking photos of children who were massacred today in Qana by Israel, one can ask this legitimate question: are those who committed this crime human beings? And if yes, then what’s the essence of humanity?

This is not the first massacre in human history, and for sure won’t be the last one. 10 years ago, in the same place, the Nobel price “for peace” winner Shimon Peres led a massacre killing more than 100 children and civilians. Since the establishment of the state of Israel our region knew many massacres to mention some of them only: Deir Yasin, Kofr Qasem, Sabra and Shatella, Jenin.
To be honest, many massacres happened in other places and other times. Therefore I raise the first question in a different way: are we as human beings human? Do we really belong to our race?
Israeli politicians, militaries, writers, thinkers, artists declare shamelessly and arrogantly in every occasion that the Israeli state and army are the most ethical in the world. Even more than that, they often claim that they are the only ethical while the entire world suffers from double morals. They talk about the purity of the army weapons.
Big philosophers from Socrates, Plato and Aristotle to the modern philosophers spent their whole life trying to define what ethics mean and contain, what’s right and wrong behavior, what’s justice. And they couldn’t give us a satisfying answer, while the smallest politician in Israel knows all the answers for these questions.
Who wants to look for racist quotations of Israeli leaders will find plenty of them, but he won’t be able to explain how these quotations go in harmony with ethics. When one dehumanizes his enemy then he legalizes his killing. Israel does this with Palestinians, Lebanese and other Arabs, and in lesser degree to the rest of the world. One Israeli said: they are cockroaches; other leader said they are snakes, and another said that they are genially distorted, and another said that God regrets that he created them. No need to say that it’s not a crime to kill cockroaches. Israel uprooted the Palestinian people and destroyed its villages in 48 for his own good. It occupied the rest of Palestine in 1967 also for its own good, since the Israeli occupation is civil sized and merciful. It’s impudent and ingratitude from the Palestinians to resist this occupation. Now, the modern definition that they are terrorists, that means it’s legal to kill them.
The same ethical principles are applied now in Lebanon, in pretext of fighting Hezbollah, Israel is destroying all of Lebanon. And why it’s doing that? For the sake of their own good, to liberate them from Hezbollah. There are no civilians in Lebanon. There are terrorists and supporters of terrorists and they are legitimate targets for killing. The only ones who can continue to live are those who collaborate with Israel. In this war there’s no difference between fighters, and non fighters, between men and children and women, all of them are kosher food for the Israeli missiles and bombs. One minister said: the destruction is not enough and the using of fire is not enough we have to delete complete villages from the map. Another Rabbi said: we’ve to kill them all, terrorists, civilians, women, and children.
Unfortunately, not only some leaders who think and talk like that but 81% of the population. All of them want to see more destruction, more fire, and more killings. The Israeli TV didn’t show the pictures of the murdered children under the rubble. The prime minister said that he needs 2 more weeks to finish the job, in other words to kill more people and destroy more villages.
The Israeli leaders, together with the American administration and their allies in Europe and in the Arab world are responsible for these war crimes. But we, human beings, are responsible for defending and saving the human face of humanity.

Friday, July 28, 2006

لماذا ترفض كوندوليزا رايس وقف اطلاق النار الفوري؟

لماذا ترفض كوندوليزا رايس وقف إطلاق النار الفوري؟

لقد اصبح واضحا للجميع أن الحرب على لبنان هي حرب إسرائيلية – امريكية. إسرائيل تقدم الجنود وتقوم بالعمليات العسكرية المباشرة بينما تقوم الولايات المتحدة بتزويدها بالمال والسلاح والدعم السياسي. هذا التعاون وتوزيع الادوار ليس جديدا فقد طبق في العراق وكافة مناطق الشرق الاوسط من اجل التوصل الى الشرق الاوسط الجديد من منظور امريكي اسرائيلي. السؤال الذي يحيرني هو حماس كونديليسا رايس المنقطع النظير لعرقلة كل قرار لوقف اطلاق النار وإعطاء الوقت الذي تحتاجه اسرائيل لإكمال جرائمها في لبنان. ولم استطيع تبرير هذا الحماس من منطلق الانسجام مع موقف الولايات المتحدة الامريكية المؤيد الى ابعد الحدود للعدوان حتى تحقيق اهدافه السياسية الا وهو القضاء على المقاومة وفرض التسوية الامريكية – الاسرائيلية على لبنان ومن ثم على باقي دول المنطقة.
ان حماس كوندوليزا رايس الزائد لمواصلة الحرب وإفشال كل امكانية لوقف النار يصدر عن خبايا حالكة في شخصيتها. بالرغم من اني لست طبيبا او محللا نفسيا الا انني اعرض نظريتي هذه على الخبراء لكي يبتوا بها.
لقد تميزت الحرب الاخير في لبنان بهمجيتها وتدميرها لكل شيء من بنى تحتية وبيوت وقثل بدون تمييز. وقد تناولت وسائل الاعلام العالمية ان نسبة الاطفال الذين قتلوا في هذه الحرب تتجاوز ثلث القتلى. فإذا سلمنا انه لحد الآن قد قتل حوالي 600 شخص فهذا يعني ان عدد الاطفال يصل الى حوالي 200 طفل. وهذا الرقم المخيف يثير مشاعر الامومة في صدور كل الامهات مهما كان مكان سكناهن ومهما كان موقعهن في الحياة. والسؤال هنا: اليس من المعقول بما ان أحشاء كوندوليزا رايس لم تحمل ابدا طفلا ولم تنجب اية حياة الى هذا العالم، وبالتالي فهي مجردة من عاطفة الامومة وما تحمله من حنان، يلعب دورا حاسما في موقف كوندوليزا اللا انساني من الحرب؟ مما لا شك فيه انها رأت كما رأينا جميعا صور الاطفال الذين قتلوا من خلال القصف الاسرائيلي الوحشي ورأت صور الاطفال الذين ما زالو تحت الردم، وقبل ذلك رأت قتل الاطفال الفلسطينيين في غزة حيث قتل في شهر حوالي 40 طفلا موثقين بالاسم والصورة. ومع ذلك فإن تعابير وجهها تبقى باردة وكأنها مصنوعة من البلاستيك، وكأنها ممثلة في فلم هوليوودي في دور إمرأة اصطناعية. وكما يقول المثل: فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه. وحرمان كوندوليزا من عاطفة الامومة الى يجعلها المرأة المثالية للدفع عن مواصلة هذه الحرب وقتل المزيد من الاطفال؟
وقد تكون عقدتها أكبر واعمق من ذلك. ربما مثلا بسبب فشلها في اقامة علاقات شخصية واقامة عائلة قد دفعها الى الحقد على الحياة بشكل عام وعلى الرجال بشكل خاص، واذا صحت الحكاية التي تقول بإن احدى هذه العلاقات الفاشلة كانت مع رجل من أصل ايراني فقد يكون احد اسباب كراهيتها للمنطقة هو نوع من الانتقام من هذا الرجل. وقد يكون هناك عامل إضافي لحقدها: وهو شعورها بالنقص أمام رئيسها وزملائها البيض في الادارة الامريكية بسبب انتمائها للأصل الاسود. وهذه العقدة نعرفها نحن هنا عند العديد من اليهود الشرقيين الذين يبالغون بكرههم للعرب كتعبير عن الشعور بالنقص ازاء الطبقة الاشكنازية الحاكمة.
اذا كانت هذه النظرية معقولة فأنا انصح كوندوليزا ان تعرض نفسها على أحد الاختصاصيين وحتما ستجد هناك من يساعدها ويعيد بعض الحياة لابتسامتها الصفراء الباهتة وقد يدخل بعض الحنان الى صدرها. لتفكر مثلا في ان تتبنى طفلا من المناطق المنكوبة بسبب السياسة الامريكية. ولكي تتخلص من عقدة النقص ما عليها الاان تراجع سيرة الكثيرين من السود اللذين ناضلوا من أجل الحرية والعدالة من أمثال مارتن لوثر كينغ، مالكوم أكس، نلسون مانديلا وآخرون.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The new Middle East

The new middle east

About 17 years ago when I was still living in Holland I tried to start my own company for translations and press services and I called it “the new orient” my feeling was and still that the Dutch people is fed with wrong or distorted information on the Arab East and suffer from many stereotypes about this region of the world and it’s people. But because I’m a bad business man and other reasons I stopped. A Dutch friend advised me, in view of the fact that I can cook delicious Palestinian food, to start a catering company and he promised me this time to succeed because Dutch people like foreign food. Again I called to this new company “the New Middle East”. But for the same reason it didn’t succeed.
Why I mention this introduction? I simply wanted to say that I personally thought about new Middle East long before Bush and Rice knew where the Middle East is located on the map. And I can say for sure that all those who emigrated from the Middle East to Europe or to other places dreamed about a new Middle East.
But the new Middle East which Bush and Rice talk about and which most people in the Middle East talk about it are completely two different things. We dreamed about Modern, prosperous calm peaceful Middle East while they talk about Middle East full of wars (qwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon). We talked about free, united and independent Middle East. But the talk about a middle east under American-Israeli hegemony. We talked about rich and just Middle East where the population can enjoy this richness and have a better life. While they talked about Middle East as a source to get more profit for multi national oil and other companies. We talked about a clean middle east from corrupted leaders. While the adopted all corrupted leaders if they accept their hegemony. No one can be convinced here that Mubarak, king Abdullah of Jordan or Saudi is better than Asad or Saddam Hussein. If the last 2 accepted the American – Israeli hegemony probably they would continue to be friends of the USA until today.
Bush and Rice reject immediate cease fire because they want to build with Israel their new Middle East on the dead bodies of the children of Gaza and south Lebanon. They want to build their Middle East on the rubble of the destroyed homes of the people of Jenin, Nablus, Gaza, Rafah, Bent Jbail, Tyre, Beirut and other hundreds of towns and villages. Exactly as the Zionist movement built its monstrous state Israel on the rubble of more than 500 Palestinian villages in 1948.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is it a film or a war

Is it a film or a war?

Until time ago, like many youth here, I liked to see the action films of Arnold Schwarzengger. To see how the invisible terminator kill all his enemies without being hurt. In that time I didn’t care about his political ideas and I didn’t pay much attention for the real aim beyond these stupid films, to confirm the supremacy of the “American hero” even when he entered politics and became California government, I didn’t take him too seriously and he continued to be just a movie star. Meanwhile his right wing character and policy became to be more and more obvious. And I felt again betrayed, I discovered that many of my favorite actors are very reactionary in politics, beginning with Frank Sinatra through Clint Eastwood ended with Schwarzengger. When I saw him few days ago in a demonstration to support Israel, it was too much. What this stupid guy things that the war is a Hollywood film? Did he learn from Israel all this brutality and fire force or did Israel learned from him? In pretext of the right of Israel to defend itself it killed so many innocent people and destroyed everything belong to the other side, exactly as Schwarzengger was doing in his films. But there’s one thing I would like to remind Israel and its ally from Hollywood: the war in Lebanon is not a movie. It’s a real war, the killings are real the blood is real. And I want to remind them in another thing: in this war the so called heroes can be hurt and suffer, and that the real heroes here are those guys who fight and defend their land and people

Monday, July 24, 2006

الانسان وليست آلة الحرب

الانسان وليست آلة الحرب

في نهاية المطاف، الانسان هو العنصر الحاسم في الحرب وليس السلاح. هذا ما قاله منذ وقت طويل ماو تسي تونغ في خضم نضاله الثوري ضد الاستعمار ومن اجل حرية وأستقلال الصين. وقد أثبتت جميع الثورات هذا المبدأ. الآلة الحربية مهما بلغت شراستها ومهما استعملته من اسلحة متطورة تستطيع أن تقتل وتدمر البنى التحتية وتحرق الارض ولكنها لا تستطيع لوحدها أن تحسم المعركة نهائيا، لأن هذا الحسم هو قرار إنساني. تستطيع الآلة الحربية أن تقتل المناضلين ولكنها لا تستطيع أن تفرض عليه الاستسلام. لكي يستسلم يجب على المناضل أن يتخذ قراره. ومن هنا تنبع أهمية وضرورة وجود مناضلين لا يساومون ولا يستسلمون وعندها وفي نهاية المطاف هم اللذين سيحسمون المعركة لصالحهم ولصالح قضيتهم أما الآلة الحربية فسيكون مصيرها أن تصبح خردة وترمى الى مزبلة التاريخ.
تحاول الآلة الحربية الاسرائيلية التي يكاد أن لا يكون لها مثيل في تاريخ البشرية بكل جبروتها أن تحسم معركة الصراع المصيري والوجودي بين الكيان الصهيوني وبين شعوب المنطقة وكانت في كل معاركها تستعمل اشرس أنواع الهدم والقتل والتدمير بواسطة كافة انواع الاسلحة الاكثر تطورا. فقد هدمت ودمرت وقتلت وحققت الانتصارات على مدى اكثر من نصف قرن، وفرضت الاستسلام على العديد من الانظمة ومن التنظيمات ومن القيادات ولكنها عجزت أن تخمد لهيب المقاومة المقدس الذي كان ينبعث دوما من تحت الانقاض والرماد ويتابع المسيرة في احلك الظروف و ,اصعبها وينتقل بالمعركة الى جولة أخرى. هذا النوع من المقاومة لا يموت أبدا إلا بعد أن يحقق النصر الاخير.
الحرب الاخيرة التي شنتها وما زالت تشنها اسرائيل ضد الشعبين الفلسطيني واللبناني مقترفة ابشع الجرائم في حق الانسانية سوف تفشل مرة اخرى في حسم المعركة لصالحها، وهذا ما يدفعها الى حالة من الجنون فترد بمزيد من الجرائم والتدمير. المقاومة الفلسطينية واللبنانية ما دامت متمسكة بحقها وما دام ايمانها بعدالة قضيها راسخ لا يتزعزع هي التي سوف تحسم المعركة في نهاية المطاف لصالحها وتحقق النصر.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

stop the war in Lebanon

13 days of killing and destraction where not enough to fill the greedy of the Israeli war machine.hundreds of people were killed most of them are civilians, many of them are children. the infrastracture were destroyed almost completely: houses, bridges, factories, streets, etc.
this is not a war, this is an unhuman instinct of of revenge, destruction and hate. this is the American- Israeli school for modern war: the burned ground, the use of force and more force without any discrimination. what happens in Lebanon these days and continues to happenes is war crimes against humanity. the respnsible for these crimes are first of all the Israeli leaders and their war machine. but also the American administration which supports Israel militarally and politically. the European community and the Arab regimes are also active partners in these crimes. the war in Lebanon is a mark of disgrace for all humanity. nobody, if he wants to stay human, has the right to keep silent. this war must be stopped immediately and without any conditions. those who committed these crimes should be persecuted.