Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Perseverance of the Resistence is the only way to break the siege

Perseverance of the Resistance is the Only way to Break the Siege
June 2 2010
Ali Zbidat - Sakhnin

I will talk about the brutal Israeli attack on the freedom flotilla to break the siege on Gaza from a different angle, that is almost put aside and marginalized in the developments of the last events; the angle of the perseverance (somood) and continuity of the popular resistance in spite of the difficult situations that the siege has imposed and in spite of the massive sacrifices of our people in Gaza. Of course, I am not minimizing the importance of the Freedom Flotilla or any other flotillas that came before or will come after. Without the perseverance of our people in Gaza and the continuity of their resistance and their valuable life sacrifices, the consciences of the world wouldn’t have been touched and people wouldn’t have crosses sees and continents to go to the Gaza Strip.
The aim of Israel in imposing a siege on Gaza is obvious and known; to have the resistance kneel down and pull it towards the whirlpool of useless negotiations and then impose the Israeli-American solution on our Palestinian people including giving up on the national components and accepting a monster state and a fake independence in return of giving up on the Right of Return and self-determination.
In order to impose the Israeli-American peace, Israel has committed war crimes and many other crimes against humanity. The last attack against the Freedom Flotilla is one of these crimes. But in any way, we should not forget the king of crimes Israel has committed a year and a half ago when it launched a war of extermination on the Gaza Strip that led to the death of 1450 martyrs, in addition to tens of thousands of injured, and a massive destruction. We also should not forget Israel’s preparations for a crueler and bigger war.
The martyrs of the Freedom Flotilla are part of the martyrs of Palestine, no matter what their citizenships are. The blood of the injured mix with the blood of the Palestinians. But I come back to concentrate on the real heroes. Gaza’s children that resisted, with their nude chests, Israeli rockets fired from Apache helicopters and American-made F16’s, it are Gaza’s men that are buried deep in the ground looking for a bite to eat, it are the sick, bearing their pain and injuries because of the lack of medicines, it are the mothers that watch their children in hunger.
This legendary perseverance is what drove Israel crazy, and this is what made Israel act like a wild bull.
With all respect and admiration to all of the aid convoys and all the attempts to lift the siege from Gaza, the un-doubtful truth is that the continuity of the resistance, and its perseverance is the only insurance to break this siege.
The Israeli lobbying its media has circulated and which are repeated by international media that are known to be Israeli-biased don’t fool anyone anymore. Who believes that the Israeli soldiers fires their guns in self-defense after being attacked by activists? Who believes the testimony of the Israeli soldier who said” We did not have any weapons, except for guns, but as final resort? While the whole world saw pictures of soldiers heavily armed with weapons from top to toe? Who believes that they used their weapons as final resort, and fired towards the legs? Who reads the Israeli version think that the activists are those who attacked the Israeli navy forces. It looks to me that the Israeli media need some additional courses in the art of lying.
I don’t want to repeat the accusations about the Arab inability to break the siege. In fact, this is not about the inability, it is about accomplice and many times in actual cooperation in imposing the siege. I am not one of those that jump from happiness when hearing the news of opening the Rafah crossing until notice. We will see later for how short it will stay open. And the more important question is what is allowed to be entered and what is not. The real happiness will be when we see Egyptian bulldozers destroying the crossing, the wall, and the fences forever. And this, in my humble opinion, will only happen when Egypt stands up from the laps of the USA and Israel and comes back to the laps of the Arabic nations.
I am also not one of those who fly from happiness after hearing the condemnation from the Palestinian Authority on Ramallah. These are only words that don’t feed the hunger nor protects from fear, and reminds us of its condemnation of the extermination war on Gaza while in reality it had an affective role in it. How can this condemnation be honest when there is still security coordination and useless negotiations going on? The only thing the Authority in Ramallah is interested in is using these crimes to repeat their talks about “National Unity” that will secure going forward in the Israel-American solutions.
Finally, I am not one of those delighted of hearing the Turkish statements. I appreciate the positive changes in the Turkish policies, but Turkey still has a long way to go in order to distance themselves from the imperial camp. The first step will be for Turkey to step out of the NATO and cut its diplomatic and military ties with Israel.
The resistance in Gaza, which is part of Arabic and international resistance in the face of the globalized imperialism systems, have to survive and continue and join all the free peoples in the world until it reaches victory and liberation.

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